Dineen Miller Illustrator & Author

Lynn Donovan writes for the online ministry she founded in 2006, Spiritually Unequal Marriage. She is a popular Bible study leader and national speaker who dispels the myths women believe about love and marriage and points them to the freedom that is theirs through a living relationship with Christ. She lives in Temecula, California, with her husband, Mike.

Dineen Miller believes her years as a youth counselor, a Stephen Minister, a women's ministry leader, and a small group leader fuel her desire to ignite the souls of others through words of truth. She's also a C.L.A.S.S. Communicator and has been featured on the Moody Radio Network, Focus on the Family, and FamilyLife Today. She lives in the Bay Area with her husband. They have two daughters and a son-in-law. Dineen is author of The Soul Saver.