Dina Glouberman - Paperback
Dr Dina Glouberman is the co-founder/Director of Skyros Holistic Holidays, which has pioneered community-oriented holistic health holidays since 1979. Author of the best-selling books Life Choices, Life Changes, The Joy of Burnout, You Are What You Imagine and Into the Woods and Out Again, Dr Glouberman has, for the past 40 years, created taught and practised the Glouberman Approach - the use of ImageWork to tap into and harness the imagination that guides our lives to help us make creative life choices and profound life changes. More recently, she founded and directs the Aurora Centre in Southern Italy, offering trainings in Imagework to therapists, counsellors, coaches, consultants and other helping professions, and facilitates ImageWork retreats. She is also a course leader on the Faculty of the MA (Clinical) in Psychotherapy at the Tivoli Institute in Dublin, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Humanistic Psychology.