Dimitris Gizopoulos Editor

Giorgio Di Natale is director of research for the National Research Center of France at the TIMA laboratory in Grenoble, France. His research interests include hardware security and trust, reliability, fault tolerance, and testing. He is the chair of the TTTC (Computer Society), Golden Core member of the Computer Society and Senior member of the IEEE. Dimitris Gizopoulos is a professor in the Department of Informatics & Telecommunications at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, where he leads the Computer Architecture Laboratory. His research focuses on the dependability, performance and energy efficiency of computing systems architectures built around general purpose microprocessors and specialized accelerators. He is a Fellow of IEEE and a Senior Member of ACM. Stefano Di Carlo is a tenured associate professor at Politecnico di Torino, Italy. His research interests include DFT, BIST, and dependability. He has published more than 170 papers in peer reviewed IEEE and ACM journals and conferences. Alberto Bosio is a full professor at Ecole Centrale de Lyon - INL in France. His research interests include approximate computing, in-memory computing, test and diagnosis of digital circuits and systems and reliability. Ramon Canal is an associate professor and the vice dean of postgraduate studies at the Facultat d'Informatica de Barcelona at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya-Barcelona Tech (UPC). He is currently working in the Computer Architecture Department in the VirtuOS (Virtualization and Operating Systems) group.