Dimitrios Trichopoulos Editor

Jørn Olsen is Professor of Epidemiology at AU, SDU and UCLA. Have published books and articles in several fields of epidemiology but most of the work has been in reproductive health. Naomi Greene holds a Ph.D in Epidemiology and MPH in Community Health Sciences from the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. She has an extensive clinical background in maternal and child health which guides her research interest in lifecourse epidemiology and the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. Dimitrios Trichopoulos MD, PhD, is Professor of Cancer Prevention and Professor of Epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health. He is Member of the Athens Academy and President of the Hellenic Health Foundation, Greece. He has served as director of the Harvard Center for Cancer Prevention; chairman of the Epidemiology Departments at the University of Athens and at Harvard; and adjunct professor of medical epidemiology at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. Dr. Trichopoulos has received several awards and distinctions, including honorary Doctorates, the Brinker International Award for Breast Cancer Clinical Research, the Julius Richmond Award, and the Medal of Honor of the International Agency for Research on Cancer.