Dimitrios I Papanikolaou Author

Dimitrios I. Papanikolaou is an Emeritus Professor of Geology specialized in Structural Geology and Tectonics, Geology of Greece, Marine Geodynamics and Neotectonics at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He studied Natural Sciences (Bsc 1971) and Geology (Bsc 1976) and obtained his PhD in Geological Sciences (1978) in the University of Athens. He was elected successively Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and in 1993 Full Professor of Geology at the University of Athens. He did his post doctoral research in the University of Lausanne (1979-1981). He acted as a visiting Professor in the University of Reims (1982-1983) and the University of MIT in Boston (2003) and provided lectures in several other Institutions worldwide for shorter periods. Throughout his carrier he was teaching structural geology and Tectonics as well as The Geology of Greece (for over 40 years) supported by fieldtrips. He was the Director of the post-graduate Msc programs «Prevention and Management of Natural Hazards» (2008-2016) and «Oceanography» (2007-2016). He was elected President of the Geological Society of Greece (1988-1996) and of the Carpatho-Balkan Geological Association (1993-1995). He was the Project Leader of IGCP 276 of UNESCO/IUGS «Paleozoic geodynamic domains and their alpidic evolution in the Tethys» (1987-1997). For several years he served as President of the Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization of Greece (1993-1998), as General Director of the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (1994-2000) and as Secretary General for Civil Protection in the Ministry of Interior (2000-2002). He is associate editor in several international scientific journals and has edited several special volumes, particularly regarding the Geology of the Aegean. He has published more than 300 papers in various international and Greek scientific journals.