Dimitrios Giakoumettis Author

Dr. Kostas Konstantopoulos is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Speech Therapy Department at the University of Peloponnese. He has 7 years teaching experience for courses on neurogenics and acquired disorders of speech/language, cognitive rehabilitation and neuroanatomy. He has 14 years of clinical experience in speech therapy for neurologic patients, specifically those exhibiting acquired neurogenic disorders and diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebellar Ataxia, Parkinson’s Disease and Huntington’s Disease. He’s a full member of many professional societies including the British Neuroscience Association, the European Association of Parkinson’s Disease, the Movement Disorders Society, and the International Neuropsychological Society. He has published and reviewed for many scientific journals, and is co-author of “Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology for Speech and Hearing Sciences” (2018) Dr. Dimitrios Giakoumettis is a Senior Clinical Fellow in Neurosurgery at the Hospital Center De Wallonie Picarde. He received his PhD in Neuro-oncology with a focus on malignant gliomas of the brain and a master’s in nanotechnology and nanomedicine. He is Board-Certified in Neurological Surgery. He is a full member of the Greek Neurosurgical Society, the European Association of Neurological Societies, and the Medical Association of Athens. He has published in many scientific journals, mostly focusing on neurosurgery articles.