Dimitri Volchenkov Editor & Author

Dr. J.A. Tenreiro Machado was born at 1957. He graduated with ‘Licenciatura’ (1980), Ph.D. (1989) and ‘Habilitation’ (1995), in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Porto. During 1980–1998, he worked at the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Porto. Since 1998, he works at the Institute of Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Dept. of Electrical Engineering. His research interests are complex systems, nonlinear dynamics, fractional calculus, modelling, control, entropy, evolutionary computing, genomics, robotics and intelligent transportation systems.


Dr. Dimitri Volchenkov obtained his Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics in the Saint Petersburg State University (Russia) and habilitated in the CNRS Centre de Physique Theorique (Marseille, France). He is Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics at the Texas Tech University (USA) and Professor Risk Assessment and Data Science at the Sichuan University of Science and Engineering (China). His research interests are the science of complexity and interdisciplinary physics ranging from the stochastic nonlinear dynamics to plasma turbulence, to urban spatial networks, and their impact on poverty and environments, analysis of complex networks, data analysis of economic, inequality and politics data, big data analytics, survival analysis, modelling of evolutionary biology and ecology.