Dilip Mutum Editor & Author

Dilip Mutum is a Lecturer in Marketing and Advertising at Coventry University Business School. He has worked with various organisations in different capacities including a short stint as the communications officer in an international NGO and as a sub-editor with a magazine company in Malaysia. An avid blogger, his research interests include social networking, electronic marketing and online consumer behaviour

Sanjit Kumar Roy is a Lecturer in Marketing at Coventry University, UK. His articles have appeared in Journal of Services Marketing (forthcoming), Journal of Brand Management (forthcoming), Managing Service Quality, International Journal of Bank Marketing, The Marketing Management Journal, Computers in Human Behaviour, Journal of Global Marketing, South Asian Journal of Management, and Case Studies in Business, Industry and Government Statistics. He was a Visiting Research Scholar at Bentley University, USA. He serves on the Editorial Board of International Journal of Bank Marketing and the Editorial Review Board of Journal of Indian Business Research. He has recently edited a special issue on India for International Journal of Bank Marketing.  He has attended and presented his research at some of the prestigious conferences on marketing. He has conducted a number of faculty development programmes on structural equation modelling in India.

Eva Kipnis is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing at Coventry Business School, Coventry University. Her research interests focus on the following interrelated areas such as cultural identities in multicultural marketplaces; cultural and multicultural branding; organisations in multicultural marketplaces, and implications of drug control policies on well-being of individuals across the drug supply chain. She is a founding member of the multicultural marketplaces research network, an active member of the Transformative Consumer Research movement, and has received funding from the European Commission (Framework 7) as a contributing partner on a project investigating the unintended consequences of counter-narcotic policies across a number of countries forming drug supply chain.

A Chartered Marketer, she has over 10 years of experience as practicing and consulting marketer in Central Asia (Kazakhstan) where she advised local and international organisations (such as Ispat Karmet – now Arcelor Mittal, Mobil Oil, Kontinent and MenStyle retails chains, and others) on their marketing and advertising strategies and activities. Her teaching responsibilities include Global Marketing Strategy, Advertising Psychology and Research Methods at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Her work appeared in Journal of Business Research, Journalof Public Policy and Marketing,Journal of Marketing Management, Consumption Markets and Culture, Journal of Research for Consumers and Social Business.