The Bursting of New Wineskins
Carl Raschke - Hardback
Rhetorical Criticism
3 contributors - Hardback
My Father-in-law
Max Zellweger-Barth - Paperback
Informal Groups in the Church
4 contributors - Microfilm
The Future of the Church
Francois C Gerard - Hardback
The Fourth Gospel and the Jews
Professor John Bowman - Hardback
Manipulated Man
3 contributors - Microfilm
Freedom or Order?
Bryan D Spinks - Paperback
The Holy Spirit in the Theology of Karl Barth
John Thompson - Paperback
Karl Barth's Theology of Culture
Robert J Palma - Microfilm
Clouded Witness
Peter J Jagger - Hardback
Social Concern in Calvin's Geneva
William C Innes - Paperback
The Trial of Jesus Continues
Rudolf Pesch - Paperback
Ambushed by Grace
Thomas W Currie - Microfilm
Spirit Within Structure
2 contributors - Hardback
To Save Their Heathen Souls
God with Us
Joseph Haroutunian - Paperback
Reflections of Renaissance England
Marie-Helene Davies - Microfilm
The Divine Drama in History and Liturgy
The Epigones
William A McComish - Paperback
The Emergence of Contemporary Judaism
Phillip Sigal - Microfilm
Freedom and Civilization Among the Greeks
A J Festugiere - Paperback
The Triune God
E L Mascall - Paperback