Dieter Brandes Author & Editor

Karin Elinor Sauer, Dr. rer. soc., Dipl.-Päd., Professor of Social Work Theory and Social Work Methods at DHBW Villingen-Schwenningen.
Dieter Brandes, Rev. Dr. theol. at the Facultatea de Teologie “Sfântul Andrei Şaguna” in Sibiu-Romania.
Penine Uwimbabazi, Prof. Dr., Vice Chancellor of the Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (PIASS), Huye.
Onésime Nzambimana, general secretary at Université des Grands Lacs (UGL), Goma.
Mumbere Ndemo Mbasa, Prof. Dr., permanent professor at the Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs-Goma (ULPGL).