Advanced Numerical Techniques for Photonic Crystals
Didier Felbacq - Paperback
Didier Felbacq is a full professor at the University of Montpellier, France. He graduated in mathematics and physics from the Ecole Centrale Paris, France, and Aix-Marseille University, France, respectively. He was appointed associate professor at Blaise Pascal University, France, in 1995, where he founded a group devoted to the modeling and simulation of photonic crystals. He then joined University of Montpellier in 2002, where he formed a group devoted to light–matter interaction in complex media. Dr. Felbacq has been a member of the Institut Universitaire de France (2009–2014) and has authored and co-authored numerous articles in international peer-reviewed journals. He has also written few books and contributed book chapters in some books. Prof. Felbacq is involved in theoretical and numerical research in close collaboration with experimentalists and his current activities cover electron transport in transistors for terahertz emission and detection, second harmonic emission in photonic crystals, excitons in 2D materials, quantum metamaterials, thermal metamaterials, acoustic metamaterials, and water transport in root systems.