Multiple Aspects of DNA and RNA: from Biophysics to Bioinformatics
5 contributors - Hardback
Didier Chatenay activities since 1995 is devoted to experimental research at the frontiers between physics and biology. His first contributions were in the field of single molecule experiments and particulary in the micromanipulation of single nucleic acid molecules (DNA, RNA). In particular he evidenced new structural transitions of a single DNA molecule submitted to an external force. Simona Cocco's research activity since 2001 is devoted to the applications of statistical physics to biophysics. Her main contributions on the latter issue, in collaboration with Remi Monasson, are related to the modeling of single molecule experiments, in particular the structural transtitions of the DNA and RNA molecules under mechanical stress. Remi Monasson's research activity since 1995 is devoted to the applications of statistical physics to interdisciplinary fields as computer science and biophysics. His main contributions on the latter issue, in collaboration with Simona Cocco, are related to the modeling of single molecule experiments, in particular the structural transitions of the DNA and RNA molecules under mechanical stress. The research of Denis Thieffry focuses on the development of qualitative tools for the integration, the modeling and the dynamical analysis of biological regulatory networks. These tools are currently applied to the dynamical modeling of gene networks involved in development, cell cycle and cancer. Jean Dalibard works in the field of atomic physics and quantum optics. His recent activities is centered on the physics of cold quantum gases, in particular Bose-Einstein condensation.