Dick Weindling Author

Dick Weindling was previously Head of Educational Management at the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) and then a freelance educational researcher. Specialising in the work of new headteachers he wrote several education books. He has now retired and works on history projects with his writing colleague Marianne Colloms.Dick Weindling was previously Head of Educational Management at the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) and then a freelance educational researcher. Specialising in the work of new headteachers he wrote several education books. He has now retired and works on history projects with his writing colleague Marianne Colloms.Dr Marianne Colloms graduated in geography and for her PhD at London University researched aspects of the growth of nineteenth century London, remaining fascinated by Victorian and local history. She has co-authored a number of articles and books on the history of Camden, in particular Hampstead, Kilburn, Camden and Kentish Towns. Much of this work concerns biographical material comprising both full length works and briefer texts suited, for example, to cemetery histories. Dr Colloms is also a partner in a long established design consultancy.Dr Marianne Colloms graduated in geography and for her PhD at London University researched aspects of the growth of nineteenth century London, remaining fascinated by Victorian and local history. She has co-authored a number of articles and books on the history of Camden, in particular Hampstead, Kilburn, Camden and Kentish Towns. Much of this work concerns biographical material comprising both full length works and briefer texts suited, for example, to cemetery histories. Dr Colloms is also a partner in a long established design consultancy.