Dick Sandberg Author & Editor

Dick Sandberg (Sweden)is Chaired Professor of Wood Science and Engineering at Luleå University of Technology. His research covers material properties, wood-scanning technology, wood machining and production systems.He has a background as manager of several companies in the wood industry sphere and has been working at the former Swedish Institute of Wood Technology Research. He is editor-in-chief of the multidisciplinary journal Wood Science and Engineering with the aim to serve at the forefront of the wood science and technology field.

Andreja Kutnar (Slovenia) is a Full Professor in the field wood science at University of Primorska, Slovenia and director of the research institute InnoRenew CoE. She received her PhD in Wood Science at the University of Ljubljana in 2008. In 2017, she was nominated as an affiliated faculty member in the Department of Wood Science and Engineering, Oregon State University, USA. As July 2020 she is a President of the Society of Wood Science and Technology.

Olov Karlsson (Sweden) is an Associate Professor in Wood Science and Engineering at Luleå University of Technology in Sweden. He was graduated in 1988 as PhD in organic chemistry at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm and was then working for two years at FFPRI in Tsukuba in Japan. He has contributed in around 50 scientific papers in his field of expertise wood modification, binder-less boards and lignin chemistry.

Dennis Jones (Wales, UK) is an Associate Professor in Chemistry at Luleå University of Technology in Sweden, and previously at several institutes/universities across Europe. He has links with the Czech University of Life Sciences. A Fellow of the Institute of Minerals, Materials and Mining, he has worked in wood science for over 25 years. He has managed several European projects, been Vice-chair of two COST Actions (FP0904, FP1407) and led COST FP1303 (Performance of Bio-Based Building Materials).