History, Hagiography and Biblical Exegesis
Jennifer O'Reilly - Hardback
Jennifer O’Reilly received her B.A. Honours degree in History in 1964, and her Ph.D. in Art History in 1972, both in the University of Nottingham. Her monograph, Studies in the Iconography of the Virtues and Vices in the Middle Ages was published in 1988. A book of essays in her honour was published in 2011: Listen, o isles, unto me: studies in medieval word and image.
Dr Máirín MacCarron is a Senior Researcher at the University of Sheffield. She has published on Women in Medieval Society, the Development of Chronology and Computus in the Early Middle Ages, and Network Science and Digital Humanities.
Dr Diarmuid Scully lectures in the School of History, University College Cork. His research interests include Bede and the textual and visual representation of late antique and medieval Insular identities.