Diane Kitchin Editor

Dr Diane Kitchin has worked as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Huddersfield since 2000.  Her main research focuses on the area of AI Planning and Knowledge Engineering.  She has published papers on Object-Centred Planning, Tools for AI, Portfolio-based planning and Domain model acquisition in a number of conference proceedings.  Work on Planning Domain Definition appeared in the Journal of Knowledge Engineering, with further journal publications in the International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, The Knowledge Engineering Review and AI Communications.
Dr Mauro Vallati is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Huddersfield. He has extensive experience in real-world applications of AI methods and techniques, with his research focusing on the Knowledge Engineering aspects of AI applications. Among the others, he investigated the use of AI for managing urban traffic control, for controlling robots, and for reducing the energy consumption of manufacturing machine tools. Dr. Vallati has published a significant number of papers in top AI venues, and has co-organised important events for the AI field, such as workshops, competitions, and conferences. He delivered numerous tutorials in important AI venues.