Diane Carlson Evans Author

Diane Carlson Evans, a former captain in the Army Nurse Corps who served in the combat zone of Vietnam is the founder of the Vietnam Women’s Memorial Foundation, Inc. She served as president and CEO of the Foundation’s board of directors—headquartered mainly in Washington, D.C.—for thirty years. Today she advocates for veterans and speaks nationally about the contribution of women during wartime. Evans has received numerous honorary doctorate degrees and prestigious awards from civic and veterans organizations. Learn more at www.dianecarlsonevans.com.

Bob Welch is a seasoned journalist and the award-winning author of more than twenty books. Among them is American Nightingale, about the first World War II army nurse to die after the landings at Normandy. The Wizard of Foz: Dick Fosbury’s One-Man High-Jump Revolution won the 2019 Track & Field Writers of America’s Book of the Year.