Diane Barrett Author

Diane Barrett has been a contract forensic examiner at ForenTech since Oct. 2006 and is Professor for Computer Forensics and Network Security programs at the University of Advancing Technology. Additionally, Diane is the Faculty Council Chair for the systems development group and teaches several short online classes for web-based learning sites such as HP and Forbes. CCNA, CISSP, ISSMP, IAM/IEM Certified Steganographer, CCE Certificate of completion. Gregory Kipper is a futurist and strategic forecaster in emerging technologies. He specialized in IT security and information assurance for 17 years, working for the last 11 years in the fields of digital forensics and the impacts emerging technologies have on crime and crime fighting. Mr. Kipper has been the keynote speaker at select industry events, a digital forensics instructor, and a trusted advisor to both the government and commercial sectors. He has published books in the fields of digital forensics and emerging technologies, including: "Investigator's Guide to Steganography," "Wireless Crime and Forensic Investigation," and "Virtualization and Forensics."