Dolphin Readers: Starter Level: My Family & A Day with Baby Audio CD
2 authors - CD-Audio
Di Taylor and Tony Howard have been climbing and travelling together for thirty years, opening new treks and climbs across North Africa, the Middle East and elsewhere. In 1984 they discovered the climbing potential of Wadi Rum in south Jordan and wrote the guide to Treks & Climbs in Wadi Rum. It is now acclaimed as 'the world's best desert climbing area'. Having extended their explorations across the whole country, HM Queen Noor, wife of the late King Hussein, sponsored them to write the guide to Jordan - Walks, Treks, Caves, Climbs & Canyons. This not only put Jordan firmly on the adventure tourism map but also helped to introduce young Jordanians to the adventures to be had in the hitherto almost unsuspected beauty and variety of their country. This led to an invitation from the people of Al Ayoun, a uniquely rural and forested area of north Jordan to develop treks and climbs in their area to aid their economy. Helped by the hospitable local people they found an unsuspected wealth of routes. This guide is the result.