Devorah Kalekin-Fishman Editor & Author

Devorah Kalekin-Fishman is a senior researcher at the University of Haifa in Israel. Currently a member of the Executive of the International Sociological Association, she is past president of the ISA committee for Alienation Research and Theory. Dr. Kalekin-Fishman is the editor of the International Sociology Review of Books and serves on the editorial boards of Current Sociology, Intercultural Education, and the Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies. Recent publications include a critical analysis of Ideology, Policy, and Practice: Education for Immigrants and Minorities in Israel (Kluwer) and an edited volume, Designs for Alienation: Exploring Diverse Realities (Finland: SoPhi Press). Lauren Langman is a professor of sociology at Loyola University of Chicago. He is past chairman of the Marxist Sociology of American Sociological Association and current President of Alienation Research and Theory, of the International Sociological Association. His recent publications include a special issue of American Behavioral Politics devoted to the presidency in a television age, the social psychology of nationalism for the Handbook of Nationalism, and alternative globalization movements in Sociological Theory.