Business Digital Transformation
4 contributors - Hardback
Dr. Nikleia Eteokleous holds a PhD in Educational Administration with emphasis in Educational Technology (confirmed 2004), M. Ed in Instructional Systems (2003), and M. Ed in Educational Administration (2002) from the Pennsylvania State University and BA in Public and Business Administration (Specialization: Finance) (2001) from the University of Cyprus. She works as an Associate Professor in Educational Technology at the Educational Sciences Department, School of Educational and Social Sciences at Frederick University. She is also the Head of the Distance Learning Committee (responsible for policy development, strategic planning, and professional development training in regards to the distance learning programs offered by the University– undergraduates and graduates). Her research interests focus on technology integration in the educational practice, such as computer applications, Internet tools (Web 2.0 tools, educational networking), educational software, and mobile devices; teacher education and technology, designing learning environments enhanced with technology and online learning environments. She is also involved in research activities related to open and online distance learning, and the integration of robotics in the educational practice. She is the co-founder of Frederick' University Robotics Academy (https://www.facebook.com/AkadimiaRompotikis/), a research and educational unit that promotes and conduct research in the area of robotics education. Various research studies are conducted related to educational robotics and overall STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics) in education. Numerous papers, book chapters and conference papers are published in regards to educational robotics, STEAM and the development of problem based skills, 21st century skills, creativity, computational thinking skills, disciplinary learning objectives. Additionally, the Robotics Academy developed an innovative educational robotics curriculum for elementary school kids where numerous robotics packages, visual programming environments, hands-on, web-based and unplugged activities are employed. She has published articles in established and well-known international scientific journals, book chapters as well as conference proceedings. She has presented various scientific papers in international and national conferences. In addition, her academic activities include participation in numerous research projects having different roles and responsibilities. She is an elected member of Frederick's University Senate, and an elected member of the Board of Directors of the Cyprus Scientific Association for the Integration of Computer Technology in Education Council and registered member of several scientific organizations such as AERA (American Educational Research Association), AACE (Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education). Finally, she served as the ambassador of Cyprus in EPALE– Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (during 2019 (in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Culture) (https://epale.ec.europa.eu/en). In November 2019, she has been appointed member of the Education and Culture Committee (Parallel Parliament). Finally, in October 2020 she has been appointed by the Cyprus Minister of Education as member of the Digital Technology Exploitation in Education advisory board.
Despo Ktoridou is a professor at the University of Nicosia in Cyprus. She is also the Head of the Management & MIS Department of the School of Business since 2012. Despo is a Certified Engineer of the Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber (ETEK) and a member of IEEE and ACM Associations. In the period 1993-1999 Despo worked as a Senior Computer Engineer for various organizations in Cyprus. In 1999 she entered academia, as an Assistant Professor of Educational Technologies until 2007. In 2007, she was promoted to Associate Professor and in 2019, she was ranked as Professor. Her research focuses on the areas of ICT Integration in the Educational Practice; Technology and Innovation Management Pedagogies; and Open and Online Distance Learning Practices. She has presented and published papers, chaired Sessions, served as reviewer and member of the Program Committee for numerous refereed international conferences. She has contributed several chapters in books, served as a guest editor and reviewer and published several papers in refereed journals. She has also participated in EU and local funded programs and has been invited by foreign universities as a guest lecturer. Professor Ktoridou completed her BSc. and MSc. of Science in Engineering, in the field of Computer Systems & Networks in the Engineering & Science Department of Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University in Russia. Her PhD thesis title was 'Expert Systems in Education - Distance Learning Educational System for Early Childhood Education: Methods, Facilities and Means'.
Dr. Antonios Kafa is an Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership at the Open University of Cyprus and Academic Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program "Educational Leadership and Policy". In 2016, he obtained a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy from the Open University of Cyprus. His doctoral thesis was awarded the International Doctoral Thesis Research Award "Highly Commended Award Winner"—Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards 2016 (Educational Leadership and Strategy) by the Emerald Publishing Company. Previously, he obtained a master's degree (MA) in Educational Leadership from the European University of Cyprus and a BA in Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology from the University of Athens. His research interests primarily revolve around the practice of successful school leadership, school leaders' personal value systems, authentic leadership, and, most recently, school leaders' capacity building during crises and times of uncertainty. Dr. Kafa has published his research work in various international scientific journals, written chapters for books, and participated in various international and European conferences. Previously, Dr. Kafa had worked as a researcher and research associate at various universities and research centers. Additionally, during the period 2016–2019, he worked as a member of the collaborating teaching staff at Frederick University, while during the period 2019–2022, he worked as a Lecturer in Educational Leadership and Management at Frederick University, where he coordinated and taught in the master's Program "Educational Leadership and Management". Currently, Dr. Kafa is a member of the Board of Directors of the Cyprus Educational Administration Society, a visiting lecturer at the Cyprus Police Academy, a reviewer in various international scientific journals, and a member of the research team at the International Successful School Principalship Project (ISSPP), conducting research on topics related to school leadership in the context of Cyprus. In 2023, Dr. Kafa was elected as the incoming Link Convenor of the Educational Leadership Network (N26. Educational Leadership) of the European Educational Research Association (EERA - European Educational Research Association) for the next four years.