Desiree Wieser Editor

Andreas Altmann is the founding Director of MCI Management Center Innsbruck, Austria. His research focuses on university regulation, governance and management – including the competitive environment – and market behaviour in the higher education and research sector.Bernd Ebersberger is a Professor of Management and Economics of Innovation with the MCI Management Center Innsbruck, Austria. His research focuses on analysing innovation systems and the higher education system, the evaluation of innovation policy, quantitative industrial economics, and the economics of technical change and innovation. Claudia Mössenlechner has been active in the field of teaching and higher education for some 20 years, focusing on English as a second language, communication skills, intercultural training and leadership. She has extensive experience as an examiner and accreditor (European Higher Education Space) and has coordinated ‘quality in teaching’ approaches at MCI, Austria. Desiree Wieser is a Research & Teaching Assistant and PhD student at the MCI Management Center Innsbruck, Austria. Her main research area and publication activity focuses on higher education management, in particular on online education and the implementation of online education in higher education institutions.