Dedi Nursyamsi Editor

Yiyi Sulaeman is a Researcher at the Indonesian Center for Agricultural Land Resources Research and Development (ICALRD) in Indonesia. He is also Deputy Director of ICALRD. His research interests include digital soil mapping, land mapping and characterization.

Laura Poggio is a spatial modeller of ISRIC, The Netherland since 2018, after The James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK since 2008. Her main research focus is Integration of information on soil-climate interactions with land use and ecosystem processes in a spatial context. In particular she is interested in mapping spatio-temporal relationships between ground data and remote sensing-derived information for digital soil mapping with quantification and propagation of uncertainty. The background is in forestry and environmental sciences from University of Turin (I) with a PhD focussing on the development of a simplified land-use modelling method for the assessment of the risk of heavy metal polluted soil towards human health.

Budiman Minasny is a Professor in Soil-Landscape Modelling at the School of Life and Environmental Sciences, the University of Sydney in Australia. He is passionate about the role of soil in managing climate change, food, water, energy security and maintaining biodiversity. He has more than 150 international journal publications, won numerous awards, and is recognised as the leader in digital soil mapping and modelling.

Dedi Nursyamsi is a Professor of Research at the Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture. He is also Assistant Minister of Agriculture for Infrastructure affairs. His research interest is to land management and soil nutrient management as well as soil fertilization.