Still Moving Field Guide
Deborah Rowland - Paperback
Compelling writer and thinking practitioner, Deborah Rowland, CEO of Transcend Consultancy (formerly Rowland Fisher Lexon Consulting, RFLC), has had over a 20 year career in organisational change, performance improvement, and leadership development, both as a consultant at Towers Perrin and Omega Management Consultants, a business practitioner at Shell and PepsiCo, and a teacher and lecturer at Business Schools such as Henley Management College and Bath University, UK. Principal positions have included VP Organisational Development for Pepsi Cola International, NY, PepsiCo's Director of Organisation and Management Development, and Senior Organisational Effectiveness Consultant at Royal Dutch Shell, London. Rowland, who holds a Double First in Archaeology and Anthropology from Cambridge University, now consults extensively around the globe with CEOs and their senior leadership teams helping them to lead significant performance change in their organisations.
Professor of Organisational Behaviour at Southampton University School of Management, Malcolm Higgs has extensive consulting experience with the Hay Group, Arthur Young and as Principal Partner in Towers Perrin's Human Resource Management practice. He has published extensively on leadership, team development, executive assessment, change management, and emotional intelligence - he has jointly developed a psychometric test to measure this. A member of the British Psychological Society and a Chartered Occupational Psychologist, Higgs is also actively involved in consulting on leadership, change and assessment with international companies, both as an individual consultant and Chairman of Transcend Consultancy.