Zur Philosophie der Mathematik
2 authors - Paperback
Stefania Centrone is currently Privatdozentin at the University of Hamburg and was deputy Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. In 2012 she was awarded a DFG-Eigene Stelle for the project Bolzanos und Husserls Weiterentwicklung von Leibnizens Ideen zur Mathesis Universalis at the Carl-von-Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. She is author/editor, among others, of the volume Logic and philosophy of Mathematics in the Early Husserl (Springer 2010) and Studien zu Bolzano (Academia Verlag 2015).
Deniz Sarikaya is PhD-Student of Philosophy (BA: 2012, MA: 2016) and studies Mathematics (BA: 2015) at the University of Hamburg with experience abroad at the Universiteit van Amsterdam and Universidad de Barcelona. He stayed a term as a Visiting Student Researcher at the University of California, Berkeley developing a project on the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice concerning the Philosophical impact of the usage of automatic theorem prover and as a RISE research intern at the University of British Columbia. He is mainly focusing on philosophy of mathematics and logic.