Deborah F Sawyer Author & Editor

Dawn Llewellyn is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Religious Studies at Lancaster University and is examining the use of 'text' in the development of women's and feminist spiritualities. She has recently contributed to Feminist Spiritualities: The Next Generation (forthcoming) and was the principle conference organiser of Reading Spiritualities (2006). Deborah F. Sawyer is Reader in Religion and Gender and Director of Post Graduate Studies in the Department of Religious Studies, Lancaster University. She has published widely on biblical studies, hermeneutics and the influence of religion on the construction of gender. Her monographs include Midrash Aleph Beth (1993), Women and Religion in the First Christian Centuries (1996), God, Gender and the Bible (2002) and she co-edited (with Paul Morris) A Walk in the Garden: Biblical, Iconographical and Literary Images of Eden (1992), and (with Diane Collier) Is there a Future for Feminist Theology? (1999). She has contributed to the Encyclopedia of Religion, Second Edition, (2004), The Blackwell Companion to the Bible and Culture (2006) and has recently published articles in Theology and Sexuality (2008) and Rivista Biblica (2008).