Debora Lanzeni Author & Editor

Sarah Pink is Professor and Director of the Emerging Technologies Research Lab in the Faculty of Information Technology and the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture at Monash University, Australia.

Vaike Fors is Professor in Design Ethnography at the School of Information Technology at Halmstad University in Sweden and adjunct in the Emerging Technologies Research Lab at Monash University, Australia.

Debora Lanzeni is Research Fellow in the Emerging Technologies Research Lab and member of the Faculty of Information Technology at Monash University, Australia.

Melisa Duque is Research Fellow in the Emerging Technologies Research Lab and member of the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture at Monash University, Australia.

Shanti Sumartojo is Associate Professor of Design Research in the Emerging Technologies Research Lab and member of the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture at Monash University, Australia.

Yolande Strengers is Associate Professor in the Emerging Technologies Research Lab and member of the Faculty of Information Technology at Monash University, Australia.