Girl Talk
Dawn H Currie - Paperback
The Authors: Dawn H. Currie is Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. She is author of Girl Talk: Adolescent Magazines and Their Readers (1999) and co-editor of numerous books, including Learning to Write: Women’s Studies in Development (1998, with Noga Gayle and Penny Gurstein).
Deirdre M. Kelly is Professor in the Department of Educational Studies at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. She is author of Pregnant with Meaning: Teen Mothers and the Politics of Inclusive Schooling (2000, Peter Lang), which won a 2003 American Educational Studies Association (AESA) Critic’s Choice Award.
Shauna Pomerantz is Assistant Professor in the Department of Child and Youth Studies at Brock University, St. Catharines, Canada. She is author of Girls, Style, and School Identities: Dressing the Part (2008).