Work and Sleep
4 contributors - Hardback
Julian Barling is the Borden Chair of Leadership at the Queen's University School of Business, and author of The Science of Leadership: Lessons from Research for Organizational Leaders. His research focuses on the effects of leaders' psychological well-being on the quality of their leadership behaviors, and the development of leadership behaviors. He was formerly the editor of the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. Christopher M. Barnes is Associate Professor of Management in the Foster School of Business of the University of Washington. He received a PhD in Organizational Behavior from Michigan State University. His research interests focus primarily on the relationship between sleep and work, including both the effects of sleep deprivation on work outcomes as well as the effects of work phenomena on sleep. His research has been published in a variety of top management and applied psychology journals, such as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. He has also published in the Journal of Sleep Research. His research has been covered by media outlets such as BBC World News, the Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, The New York Times, and many others. Erica L. Carleton received her PhD in Organizational Behavior from the Smith School of Business at Queen's University. Her research interests include: leadership, sleep and well-being. She has received external government funding to conduct her PhD research examining sleep and its impact on leadership and well-being. Erica is currently a post-doctoral fellow at the Ian O. Ihnatowycz Institute for Leadership at the Ivey School of Business, Western University. David T. Wagner is Assistant Professor of Management at the University of Oregon's Lundquist College of Business and is a graduate of the Management Department at Michigan State University. His research examines moods and emotions in the workplace, the impact of sleep and fatigue on workplace outcomes, and the interface between work and life domains. His research has been published in Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, and Journal of Sleep Research, as well as in popular outlets including Harvard Business Review, the Wall Street Journal and CBS nationwide radio.