David Sloly Author

Ian Sanders is passionate about capturing and communicating ideas. He works with businesses turning their thinking into marketing content that tells a story across multiple platforms. His career has seen an obsession about 'doing', driven by curiosity and insight rather than a big plan. Ian applies a rapid mindset to all projects, recognising that the value lies in execution. Through his own ideas and writing he's on a mission to disrupt the business status quo. Ian contributes to the Financial Times and Monocle magazine's audio channel Monocle 24. Author of four books, his work has inspired readers to change their lives; Tom Watson the British MP who famously challenged Rupert Murdoch, said "thanks Ian. You helped me rediscover the inner rebel". David Sloly trained as a journalist with the BBC. Fired for humiliating a politician, he became highly sought after and was soon snapped up to create award-winning content for the UK's first independent radio production company. David is also a psychotherapist and hypnotherapist, so if an employer tries to fire him now, he hypnotizes them into drastically increasing his salary.