Essentials of WRAML3 and EMS Assessment
3 authors - Paperback
Wayne Adams, PhD, earned his degree in developmental/clinical child psychology from Syracuse University. After teaching at Colgate University, he received post-doctoral training in pediatric psychology at Memorial Hospital, UNC-Chapel Hill. Thereafter, he was Chief Psychologist at duPont Hospital for Children (Wilmington, DE) that has academic ties to Jefferson Medical College. After working 24 years at the hospital, he assumed chairmanship of an APA-accredited clinical psychology program at George Fox University located just outside of Portland, Oregon;there he also taught courses in Cognitive and Neuropsychological Assessment. He retired from the university with Professor Emeritus status after 23 years of service. He has published more than 40 articles, co-authored several nationally used test instruments, and made more than 80 presentations at national conferences and workshops. He is a Fellow of APA’s Division of Clinical Psychology as well as the National Academy of Neuropsychology and holds diplomate status within the American Board of Professional Psychology. He was a recipient of a Fulbright scholarship to conduct memory research in China, anda Lifetime Achievement Award from the School Neuropsychology Institute.
David Sheslow, PhD,earned his degree. from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. After completing his Internship in Pediatric Psychology at the University Of Maryland School Of Medicine, Dr. Sheslow joined the staff of Nemours Hospital for Children where his long collaboration began with co-author, Wayne Adams. Dr. Sheslow worked at the hospital for over thirty-five years where his role changed many times, including serving as a team member in the Divisions of Developmental Medicine and of Rehabilitation (where he trained in neuropsychology). Ultimately becoming Chief of the Division of Behavioral Health, he saw psychology firmly placed in most hospital Divisions and outpatient pediatric practices. While Dr. Sheslow enjoyed his clinical and research collaborations as well as administrative experiences, he is perhaps most proud of his role teaching residents and fellows, ending his hospital career as Director of Resident Training. Among the most professional fun Dr. Sheslow had was working with his friend Wayne and colleagues at Wide Range, Inc and then Pearson Publishing. Together, they developed the Wide Range Intelligence Test, The Wide Range Assessment of Visual Motor Abilities and the three editions of the Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning. Throughout most of his career Dr. Sheslow maintained a private practice and continues to do so in his semi-retirement.
Trevor Hall, PsyD, is a Professor of Pediatrics in the Divisions of Pediatric Psychology and Pediatric Critical Care at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) where he serves as the Associate Director of the Pediatric Critical Care and Neurotrauma Recovery Program (PCCNRP). Dr. Hall is a board-certified pediatric neuropsychologist who specializes in providing care for children and adolescents with central nervous system complications. He primarily provides neuropsychological evaluation and treatment services to pediatric critical care survivors; he does this longitudinally from regular consultations in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) to attending in the multiple follow-up clinics associated with the PCCNRP. In addition, Dr. Hall is recognized for his ongoing clinical research that has collaboratively produced over 60 peer reviewed publications related to the development, validation, and methodological utilization of contemporary baseline and outcome measures for use in medically complex populations. He is also actively involved in the training of neuropsychology practicum students, interns and postdoctoral fellows.