David Reisman, Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Surrey, UK and Senior Associate, Centre for Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Roarin' Rick's Rare Bit Fiends #25
3 authors - Paperback
Theories of the Mixed Economy Vol 7
David Reisman - Hardback
Theories of the Mixed Economy Vol 1
Theories of the Mixed Economy Vol 2
Galbraith and Market Capitalism
David Reisman - Paperback
The Economics of Alfred Marshall
Theories of the Mixed Economy Vol 5
Theories of the Mixed Economy Vol 8
Theories of the Mixed Economy Vol 9
The Political Economy of James Buchanan
Alfred Marshall
Theories of the Mixed Economy Vol 10
Theories of the Mixed Economy Vol 6
Alfred Marshall’s Mission
Theories of the Mixed Economy Vol 3
Theories of the Mixed Economy Vol 4
Democratic Socialism in Britain, Vol. 10
Democratic Socialism in Britain, Vol. 2
Sartre's Phenomenology
Democratic Socialism in Britain, Vol. 5
Democratic Socialism in Britain, Vol. 1
Democratic Socialism in Britain, Vol. 6
Democratic Socialism in Britain, Vol. 3
Democratic Socialism in Britain, Vol. 4
Democratic Socialism in Britain, Vol. 7