David Ramsay Author

Edward E. Gordon, Ph.D., is a professional historian, researcher, writer, and speaker. For a twenty-year period he taught history courses at DePaul University Chicago and also business subjects at Loyola University Chicago and Northwestern. Dr. Gordon is a member of the American Historical Association and was a participant in the Distinguished Lecturer Program of the Organization of American Historians. He is the author or co-author of 19 books and has written over 300 articles in journals and trade publications.

David Ramsay is the author of Lusitania Saga and Myth and 'Blinker' Hall, Spymaster: The Man Who Brought America into World War I. He has lectured and been interviewed for radio and television on Winston Churchill's career, the Gallipoli Campaign, the 1944 Normandy landings, and the story of the Lusitania. He is a graduate of Trinity College Cambridge in history and economics. His father, Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay, was the naval commander-in-chief for the Normandy Invasion and had previously directed the Dunkirk evacuation. Admiral Ramsay had also been responsible for planning the invasion of North Africa and commanded the British task force for the invasion of Sicily.