David R Mandel Editor

Oshin Vartanian obtained his Ph.D. in experimental psychology at the University of Maine, followed by postdoctoral fellowships in cognitive neuroscience at York University and DRDC Toronto, where he is currently a Defence Scientist. He is the recipient of the Daniel E. Berlyne Award from the American Psychological Association’s Division 10 for outstanding research by a junior researcher, and holds an Adjunct Assistant Professor position in the Department of Psychology at the University of Toronto—Scarborough. David R. Mandel is an adjunct professor of psychology at University of Toronto and a senior defence scientist at DRDC Toronto, where he heads the Thinking, Risk, and Intelligence Group. His areas of research interest include thinking and reasoning, judgment and decision making, and the application of behavioural science to issues in realm of the defence and security. He is the lead editor of The Psychology of Counterfactual Thinking published by Routledge/Taylor & Francis.