What Did Jesus Really Mean When He Said Follow Me?
David Platt - Paperback
Anatole A. Klyosov, PhD, is Chief Scientist and cofounder of Pro-Pharma-ceuticals, Inc. He has published more than 290 peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals; authored and edited books on enzymes, carbohydrates, and biotechnology, including Wood-Plastic Composites (Wiley); and holds thirty-nine patents.
Zbigniew J. Witczak, PhD, has extensive industrial and academic experience in carbohydrates. He has published more than ninety research papers and holds six patents in the fields of carbohydrate, medicinal, and biological chemistry. In 2000, Dr. Witczak was awarded the Melville L. Wolfrom Award of the ACS Division of Carbohydrate Chemistry for his outstanding research contribution to carbohydrate chemistry and service to the division.
David Platt, PhD, is Chief Executive Officer and cofounder of Pro-Pharmaceuticals, Inc. He has published peer-reviewed articles and holds many patents, primarily in the field of carbohydrate chemistry. Dr. Klyosov, Dr. Witczak, and Dr. Platt coedited the ACS symposium book Carbohydrate Drug Design.