David Pinski Author

Playwright David Pinski (1872-1959) was a Russian-born playwright and novelist. He was one of Yiddish theatre’s most notable dramatists, as well as one of its most prolific. During the course of his lifetime, he wrote over sixty plays including The Last Jew, or The Zvi Family, and The Eternal Jew. He also wrote the novel The House of Noah Edon. Adaptor Colin Chambers is Emeritus Professor of Drama at Kingston University. Colin was Literary Manager of the Royal Shakespeare Company from 1981 to 1997. He is co-author with Richard Nelson of Kenneth’s First Play and Tynan (both Royal Shakespeare Company), and he selected and edited for performance Three Farces by John Maddison Morton, which were produced at the Orange Tree Theatre, Richmond. As well as editing the Continuum Companion to Twentieth Century Theatre, Colin has written extensively on the theatre including journalism, academic work and theatre criticism.