Key Concepts in Historical Geography
4 authors - Hardback
John Morrissey is a Senior Lecturer in Geography at National University of Ireland, Galway, with research interests in geopolitics, imperialism and international development. His current research is broadly concerned with the geopolitical scripting and political economy of contemporary US interventionism in the Middle East. He is the author of Negotiating Colonialism (RGS Historical Geography Research Series, 2003), co-author of Key Concepts in Historical Geography (Sage, 2014), and co-editor of Spatial Justice and the Irish Crisis (Royal Irish Academy, 2014). At NUI Galway, John is Associate Director of the Moore Institute for Humanities and Social Studies, Cluster Leader of the Geopolitics and Justice Research Group in Geography, and Programme Director of the MA in Environment, Society and Development. In 2011, he won the President′s Award for Teaching Excellence at NUI Galway, and in 2012 he won the Irish National Academy Award for Research and Teaching Excellence. John′s research has been supported by grants from the British Academy, Irish Research Council, National University of Ireland, NUI Galway Community Knowledge Initiative, and UCD Clinton Institute for American Studies. In 2013/2014, he was elected the Derek Brewer Quatercentenary Research Fellow at Emmanuel College, Cambridge and Visiting Fellow at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge. His current research explores the interventionary practices of US national security interests in the Middle East, with particular reference to US Central Command (CENTCOM). This research builds upon a Government of Ireland Research Fellowship John held at the Center for Place, Culture and Politics at City University of New York in 2007 and 2008. He is currently writing a geopolitical history of CENTCOM for University of Georgia Press entitled The Long War. David Nally is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Geography at University of Cambridge. He has research interests in the history of American philanthropy, the political economy of global agriculture (with a particular focus on the factors framing hunger), and the comparative study of European colonialism, including the history of ‘internal colonialism’ (or what we might be conceptualised as the geographical limits to citizenship). Nally also has a longstanding interest in social theory and the history of geographical ideas. Ulf Strohmayer is a graduate of Munich Technical University and The Pennsylvania State University. Currently, he is Professor of Geography at the National University of Ireland, Galway, after teaching previously at the University of Wales at Lampeter. Educated in Germany, Sweden, USA and France, he has also held visiting teaching and research posts at the Université de Pau et des Pays de L’Adour, Dresden Technical University, Binghamton University and the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme in Paris. His interest in social theory and philosophy is matched by an equal curiosity about the conditions and consequences of historical processes of modernisation in Western Europe, all of which have informed his extensive publication record. He has also edited numerous volumes on social theory and the history of geographic thought. Yvonne Whelan is a Senior Lecturer in Human Geography at the University of Bristol. She has published widely on the cultural landscapes of Ireland and is the author of Reinventing Modern Dublin (2003) and the co-editor of Ireland: Space, text, Time (2005), Heritage, Memory and the Politics of Identity (2006) and Ireland Beyond Boundaries (2007).