Russian Peasants and Tsarist Legislation on the Eve of Reform
David Moon - Paperback
Peter Coates is Professor of American and Environmental History at the University of Bristol. He is an environmental historian of the 19th and 20th century, particularly of the USA and UK. His principal research interests are in the study of human relations with the rest of the natural world over time with recent specific emphasis on energy environments and fluvial landscapes. David Moon is Anniversary Professor of History at the University of York. The main focus of his research has been the rural world of the Russian Empire from the 17th to the 20th centuries. His research on environmental history considers the interrelationship between the human and non-human worlds, and how people have understood this interrelationship, over time. Paul Warde is Lecturer in Environmental History at the University of Cambridge. His principal research interests are in the environmental, economic and social history of early modern and modern Europe. In particular his research focues on the use of wood as a fundamental resource in pre-industrial society; the long-term history of energy use and its relationship with economic development, and environmental and social change and the history of prediction and modeling in thinking about the environment.