David Menival Editor

Dr. Roberta Capitello, PhD, is an associate professor at the Department of Business Administration, University of Verona, Italy, where she teaches wine economics and food and wine marketing. Her research focuses on consumer behavior, marketing, communication and sustainability in the food and beverage industry. Her publications include academic journal articles and book chapters on subjects such as wine demand in new markets, Generation Y’s attitude towards wine, food and wine consumer behavior, and marketing and communication strategies in the food and wine businesses. She is a project coordinator of the H2020 SUSFOOD2 ERA-Net project “SUSCHOICE: Towards sustainable food and drink choices among European young adults” (2018-2021). Steve Charters is Director of Research in the School of Wine and Spirits Business, ESC Dijon/Burgundy School of Business in Dijon, France. He was previously Professor of Champagne Management at Reims Management School and before that taught at Edith Cowan University in Perth, Australia. He develops research projects and courses relevant to the wine business generally. His research interests include the relationship of wine to place, drinker perceptions of quality in wine, the mythology surrounding wine consumption, the motivation to drink, and the motivations and experience of the wine tourist. He is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Wine Research, the British Food Journal and the International Journal of Wine Business Research and is one of only 300 members, worldwide, of the Institute of Masters of Wine. David Menival is an economics professor at Neoma Business School, France. He obtained a PhD in economics in 2008 from the University of Reims. Dr. Menival focuses both professionally and academically on champagne. He is a consultant on the economical context of champagne and writes articles for the Champagne Viticole review. His academic research is mainly focused on the quality signals and value creation of wines, the creation and/or improvement of reputation, generational habits, and the impact of wine tourism on the future sales of wine. His current publications look at the role and the evolution of territorial brands in wine industry.