Culture as Politics
Christopher Caudwell - Paperback
Christopher Caudwell (1907-1937) was the pen-name of Christopher St. John Sprigg, a British Marxist poet, writer and thinker. He joined the Communist Party in 1935, and soon became a dedicated grassroots activist, continuing his writing, even though none of his Marxist works were printed during his lifetime. In 1936, he left for Spain to join the International Brigades in the anti-fascist struggle against Franco. He was killed in the valley of Jarama, February 12th 1937, during his first day of battle. He is the author of the writings compiled in Culture as Politics (Pluto, 2017). David Margolies is Emeritus Professor of English at Goldsmiths, University of London. He is the author of Shakespeare's Irrational Endings: The Problem Plays, and edited Culture as Politics: Selected Writings of Christopher Caudwell.