Aristotle's Generation of Animals
2 contributors - Paperback
Andrea Falcon is Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy at Concordia University, Montréal. He is the author of Corpi e Movimenti. La fortuna del De caelo nel mondo antico (2001); Aristotle and the Science of Nature: Unity without Uniformity (Cambridge, 2005); Aristotelianism in the First Century BCE: Xenarchus of Seleucia (Cambridge, 2012); and Aristotelismo (2017). He is the editor of the Brill's Companion to the Reception of Aristotle (2016). David Lefebvre is Professor of Philosophy at the Université Clermont Auvergne (UCA) in Clermont-Ferrand. His publications include a new translation of Aristotle's Generation of Animals (2014), and he is co-editor of Dunamis. Autour de la puissance chez Aristote (2008) and La Métaphysique de Théophraste. Principes et apories (2015) and author of DYNAMIS. Sens et Genèse de la notion aristotélicienne de puissance (2017).