David Koff Editor

Dr. Shai Ben-David earned his PhD in mathematics from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and has been a professor of computer science at the Technion (Israel Institute of Technology).?Over the years, he has held visiting faculty positions at the Australian National University, Cornell University, ETH Zurich, TTI Chicago and the Simons institute at Berkeley. Since 2004 Shai is a professor at the David Cheriton school of Computer Science at University of Waterloo. He has also been an area chair and senior program committee member for the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) and the Neural Information Processing Systems Conference (NIPS). Dr. Ben-David’s research interests span a range of topics in Computer Science theory including logic, theory of distributed computation and complexity theory. In recent years his focus turned to machine learning theory. Among his notable contribution in that field are pioneering steps in the analysis of domain adaptation, learnability of real valued functions, and change detection in streaming data. In the domain of unsupervised learning Shai has made fundamental contributions to the theory of clustering and developing tools for guiding users in picking algorithms to match their domain needs. He has also published seminal works on average case complexity, competitive analysis and alternatives to worst-case complexity. Dr. Ben-David has served as the President of the Association for Computational Learning Theory and is the co-author of Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms, Cambridge University Press. Dr. Giuseppe Curigliano is a Medical Oncology Associate Professor at the University of Milan and the Head of the Early Drug Development Division at the European Institute of Oncology, IRCCS, in Italy. His area of expertise as a clinician and researcher is early therapeutic development for patients with solid tumors, with a focus on breast cancer. In 2019, he held the position of Chair of the Scientific Committee of The Lega Nazionale Lotta ai Tumori. He has been a member of the Italian National Health Council since 2018. In 2017, he received the inaugural ESO Umberto Veronesi Award from the city of Vienna and the Fellowship of the European Academy of Cancer Sciences from the city of Paris. He has made contributions to more than 390 peer-reviewed publications. Dr. David Koff is the founder and director of MIIRCAM, the Medical Imaging Informatics Research Centre at McMaster University, where he oversees research initiatives on radiation risk, technology validation, and AI applications in medical imaging. He is also the Chairman of Canada Safe Imaging, a global radiation safety initiative. He developed the Canadian standards for lossy compression, and for the past 20 years, his research has focused on the electronic transmission and workflow integration of medical pictures. Artificial intelligence for the gathering of imaging and medical data is one of his current research areas. He is a member of the IHE section of the RSNA's Medical Informatics committee and a co-founder of IHE Canada (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise). He served as the IHE International Radiology Planning Committee's co-chair in the past. Dr. Barbara Alicja Jereczek is the Director of the Division of Radiotherapy at the European Institute of Oncology, and Associate Professor in Radiation Oncology at the University of Milan. She received an MD and PhD in Medicine at the University of Gdansk, and an MD from the University of Milan. Her research expertise focuses on Urological malignancies, oligometastatic cancer, high precision radiotherapy, new fractionation protocols, radiotherapy side effects and patient quality of life, and new prognostic and predictive factors. Dr. Davide La Torre is an academic researcher, applied mathematician, and professor. He is currently a Full Professor and the Director of the Artificial Intelligence Institute at the Sophia Antipolis Campus of SKEMA Business School in France. His areas of interest in research and instruction are Applied Mathematics, AI, Business Analytics, Mathematical Modeling, and Operations Research. He has previously held posts as a visiting and permanent university lecturer in Europe, Canada, the Middle East, Central Asia, and Australia. At various universities, he has held the positions of department chair and program director. He has over 180 publications listed in Scopus, with the majority appearing in prestigious journals with IFs ranging from Engineering to Business. Dr. Gabriella Pravettoni is Professor of Cognitive and Decision-Making Psychology at the University of Milan, where for several years she has been working on a new dimension of the doctor-patient relationship. She also serves as the Director of the Psycho-Oncology Division at the European Institute of Oncology, where she supervises clinical cases and develops and evaluates psychological treatments for cancer patients, putting the findings of several international research projects in which she is involved into clinical practice.