David H Johnson Author & Editor

Dries Van Nieuwenhuyse is a life-long owl researcher and statistician active in ecological method development and publication. He is Professor of Performance Management at EHSAL Management School in Brussels and thought leader in Fact-Based Decision Making. He has authored five books on the impact of technology and statistics on the decision-making processes of organisations, and in particular brings his skills as a statistician to his ornithological work. Ronald van Harxen is Chairman of the Dutch Little Owl Working Group (STONE), and has been active in the research and conservation of the Little Owl in The Netherlands and internationally for more than forty-three years. His research focuses on breeding biology and population dynamics within nest box populations. He received several awards including the Special Achievement Award in 2016 from the World Owl Hall of Fame, International Owl Center Houston, USA. David H. Johnson is Executive Director at Global Owl Project, USA. He is currently working on a 'twelve-year demographic study of the Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) 2010–2022.' He has worked in natural resource conservation for forty-two years and has written two previous books on owls, wildlife and fisheries.