Law for Social Workers
2 authors - Paperback
June Keeling, PhD, MEd, BSc(Hons), RGN, RM is Professor of Women’s Health at Keele University. June has been a Registered General Nurse and a Registered Midwife for over 30 years, 16 of those in academic posts. She has practiced across areas including A&E, acute ENT, general nursing and also midwifery. June has also previously worked as a domestic violence coordinator at a large university teaching hospital, delivering safeguarding training and working as part of a multi-disciplinary safeguarding team. She has published articles in the collective area of women’s health, domestic violence and abuse, birthing and professionalism in nursing. She is co-editor for Domestic Violence. A multi-professional approach for healthcare practitioners (McGraw Hill, 2008) and co-editor of How to Write Well: A Guide For Health And Social Care Students (McGraw Hill, 2013). David Goosey is a Registered Social Worker, working independently in safeguarding services in local government, health care organisations and schools. He was Principal Lecturer in the Department of Leadership at the Westminster Business School for 17 years combining his interest in leadership and safeguarding services. He is Chair of the Portsmouth Safeguarding Adults Board and Independent Scrutineer for the Lewisham Safeguarding Children Partnership. He is co-author of Law for Social Workers (Oxford University Press, 2019 15th edition).