David Ginsberg Editor

Jacques Corcos MSC, MD, FRCS Urologist Montreal, Canada Editor of 9 books including the 3 initial edition of the Textbook of the neurogenic bladder. Former General secretary of the International Continence Society. Member of several scientific societies. More than 200 peer reviewed published articles

David Ginsberg MD, FAAS Urologist Los Angeles, USA Editor of the previous edition of the textbook of the neurogenic bladder, author of multiple book chapters and of 75 peer reviewed articles. Very active member of SUFU and AUA.

Thomas Kessler MD Urologist Zurich, Swiss President of the International Neuro urology association, Director of Neurourology Unit at Balgrist medical Center, Zurich. Author of more than 150 peer reviewed articles and book chapters.

Gilles Karsenty MD Urologist Marseille, France Editor of the previous edition of the textbook, Director of the functional urology unit at Marseille University. Author of more than 100 peer reviewed articles.