Lenin Reloaded
4 contributors - Paperback
Karl Marx - Paperback
Frédéric Gros - Paperback
Reading Capital
5 authors - Paperback
Orgasm and the West
Robert Muchembled - Hardback
A Theory of Capitalist Regulation
Michel Aglietta - Paperback
Régis Debray - Hardback
4 contributors - Hardback
The End of the French Intellectual
Shlomo Sand - Hardback
Reflections on Anti-Semitism
3 authors - Paperback
Staging the People
Jacques Ranciere - Paperback
Twilight of History
An Impatient Life
Daniel Bensaïd - Paperback
Governing from the Skies
Thomas Hippler - Hardback
Frédéric Gros - Hardback
On Historicizing Epistemology
Hans-Jörg Rheinberger - Paperback
Hans-Jörg Rheinberger - Hardback
Weimar in Exile
Jean-Michel Palmier - Paperback
An All-Too-Human Virus
Jean-Luc Nancy - Paperback
For the Muslims
Edwy Plenel - Paperback
Jean-Luc Nancy - Hardback
The Shock of the Anthropocene
2 authors - Paperback
Germany's Hidden Crisis
Oliver Nachtwey - Paperback
3 authors - Hardback