Sometimes Only the Sad Songs Will Do
David Denny - Paperback
Rex Butler is Professor of Art History at the University of Queensland, Australia. He is the author of Jean Baudrillard: The Defence of the Real (1999), Slavoj Žižek: Live Theory (2005), Borges’ Short Stories (2010), The Žižek Dictionary (2014), and Deleuze and Guattari’s What is Philosophy? (2015). He has written for Film-Philosophy, contributed essays to a number of collections on cinema, and edited two volumes of Žižek’s writings (Interrogating the Real, 2005; The Universal Exception, 2006). David Denny is Associate Professor and current Chair of the Department of Culture and Media at Marylhurst University, USA. He teaches and does research on the intersection of critical theory, psychoanalysis, film and politics. He has published “Signifying Grace: On Dogville in The International Journal of Žižek Studies, “The Politics of Enjoyment: On The Hurt Locker” in Theory and Event, and “Melancholia: An Alternative to the End of the World” in the collected volume Cinematic Cuts (2016).