The Money Spiders
J P McCarthy - Paperback
Elizabeth Huntley, PhD, was born on May 19, 1940 in Louisiana, Missouri. From 1981 until 2007, when she retired from private practice as a nutritionist, Elizabeth helped thousands of people improve their helath using proper diet, supplements, pure water, and other natural healing modalities. Elizather Huntley is a highly talented medical intuitive. In addition to her natural-born diagnostic skills, her consultations are based on the education she received from these institutions: Swathmore College, BA in Physics; Brown University, MSC in Biology; Brown University, PhD in Biological and Medical Sciences. Over the course of her career as a practicing nutritionist, she often suggested supplements from Standard Process Labs to her patients. She also used a radionics device called the "SE 5" to help her arrive at the most accurate diagnosis quickly—often for people living at a distance who were unable to visit her in person. Elizabeth Huntley currently resid David Dees has a reputation for creating controversial and often satirical illustrations; but he created a beautiful book cover for his friend and nutritionist, Dr. Elizabeth Huntley, to honor her and her work. Jessica Bryan is a professional book editor and author. In addition to working on health-related books, she specializes in spiritual and metaphysical books.