David Coffey Author & Editor

David Coffey has been an ordained Baptist Minister with the Baptist Union of Great Britain since 1967. A graduate of Spurgeon's College, London, he served as Pastor of three English churches: Whetstone, Leicester; North Cheam, Sutton; and Upton Vale, Torquay. He was President of the Baptist Union of Great Britain 1986-87 and in the same period published a book Build That Bridge which is a study in conflict and reconciliation in church life. He served for three years as National Director of Evangelism for the Baptists (1988-91) prior to being appointed as the General Secretary of the Union in 1991. After fifteen years he retired from this ministry in July 2006. David served as President of the European Baptist Federation (1997�99) and at the Baptist World Congress in July 2005 he was elected as BWA President from 2005 � 2010. In 2003 he was elected until 2007 as the Moderator of the Free Churches Group to represent the nineteen Free Church denominations in England. In this capacity he also serves as one of the four Presidents of Churches Together in England alongside the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster and a representative of the Orthodox churches. He has a strong commitment to preaching and bible teaching and has published a commentary on Romans in The Crossway Bible Guide series and All One In Christ Jesus: A Passionate Appeal For Evangelical Unity (Authentic)