David Broder is a Rome-based writer and translator. He is a contributing editor for Jacobin magazine and regularly writes on Italian politics for publications including Internazionale.
2 authors - Paperback
What Is Subjectivity?
Jean-Paul Sartre - Hardback
Michel Aglietta - Hardback
First They Took Rome
David Broder - Hardback
Mussolini's Grandchildren
David Broder - Paperback
Donatella Di Cesare - Hardback
Jean-Paul Sartre - Paperback
Treason of the Intellectuals
Julien Benda - Paperback
The Time of Revolt
Donatella Di Cesare - Paperback
Good Neighbors
Sylvie Tissot - Hardback
Over Land and Sea
Massimo Livi Bacci - Paperback
Déjà Vu and the End of History
Paolo Virno - Paperback
Jules Guesde
Jean-Numa Ducange - Paperback
Separate and Dominate
Christine Delphy - Paperback
Facing the State
3 contributors - Paperback
Happy Apocalypse
Jean-Baptiste Fressoz - Hardback
Conspiracy and Power
The Political Vocation of Philosophy
The End of the Democratic State
Democracy or Bonapartism
Domenico Losurdo - Hardback
Fictitious Capital
Cédric Durand - Paperback
Our Shrinking Planet
Marx And Latin America
Jose Arico - Paperback